Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

In his introduction today, Jason Hartman shares his opinions and experiences with the growing trend of psychiatric prescription drugs, as well as reinstating how real estate investors can avoid having to hand over huge portions of their profit to the government. 


Later, he invites financial analyst Daniel Amerman on as a return guest to the Creating Wealth Show. Together, they discuss their respective solutions for eliminating debt, they talk about new American laws and regulations and their impact on the global financial market and ultimately, they resolve that sometimes you just have to align yourself with those in power to be successful. 


Key Takeaways

02.40 – Jason discusses the dangers of giving prescription psychiatric drugs to both children and adults.

06.22 – How is it that US media almost in its entirety is owned by a select few large corporations?

10.02 – If you end up selling your business or selling stocks, there is a way to avoid giving a huge portion of your profit to the government.

16.10 – Daniel Amerman takes us through the four main ways for getting rid of debt.

24.43 – Jason Hartman then provides his six solutions for the debt problem.

29.50 – Investing in construction components such as lumber, copper wire and glass is a smart move; none of them are tied to any one currency.

32.06 – Daniel’s latest work deals with many of the different facets and scenarios related to successfully creating wealth. 

38.40 – If the government is getting no income on money, we’re going to be earning virtually no interest on our savings and checking accounts.

40.40 – New regulations imposed by the United States’ Internal Revenue Service are having big impacts on financial institutions worldwide. 

45.00 – Surely bitcoin and alternative currencies will be unable to survive because they pose a possible threat to the central banking system


47.50 – For more information and resources, head to 

Direct download: CW_433_Dan_Amerman_Financial_Repression.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:21pm EDT